Letters: September 1, 2009
Self-promotion, connections with old readers, and a little something called the cure for cancer. Our letters section is truly the planet's most valuable resource. Read on!
An Example Of A Good Text Message.
my car is cleannig - mohamed
Josh: This comment was made on an article about sending text messages. I can only assume, therefore, that it's a clever indictment of the poor communication that the medium promotes. Nice job!
I need help! As a lifelong EV reader I have been desperately trying to catch up, but I'm having trouble finding the posts that came after the most recent hiatus. You must help me, you used to have an award named after me dammit! I am unable to activate the fury level of Pete Dunson, but I tried.
[Two minutes later... - Ed.]
K, so I'm an idiot. All I had to do was go to news and hit the different years. I love that you're back. You've given me something to check on the interwebs every day. - Clint
Josh: CLINT! Welcome home, friend. Our letters section just hasn't been the same without one of our oldest and best readers. I expect a letter from you on every single article you've missed.
A Sweet Proposal.
I am starting a political, environmental and social satire publication in Seattle. I would like to feature one of your stories in the publication. With whom do I speak about this proposition? - Glen Isom
Josh: We took care of Glen's request over an electronic mail system, but I wanted to put his question in a more public forum to remind everyone that yes, we do allow certain excellent publications to syndicate our material! If you would like to increase the kickassery of your newspaper or magazine by 100x, simply contact us using our handy form.
Who Knew Amsterdam Was A Real Place?
Hey EV--Love your site! Thought you'd get a kick out of Gory Bateson's tribute to Clapton, filmed in the red light district of Amsterdam, at: [Okay, we'll allow it just this once. Linky] - gory bateson
Josh: There's something inexplicably hypnotic about classic Clapton sung sweetly to a prostitute's ass. Plus, I came for the video, but I stayed for the always-excellent YouTube comments!