Letters: June 15, 2009
At this point, we seem to update our letters about as much as you get a paycheck, assuming you get paid bi-monthly, and have a steady job. Since this probably doesn't apply to most of our lazy readers, we'll let you get on with your reading! We wouldn't want to take up too much of your valuable time.
Without Pink Floyd, Could The World Cure Cancer?
How about they had a set structure for the longer pieces? Any who's ever recorded anything will know that you simply don't have the time or inclination to set stuff up for anoraks and train spotters. As for The wizard of oz syncro, no, it's gibberish and doesn't work. Simples. Anyway, Waters has said the DSOM, The Wall and Amused to Death are basically a trilogy that should be listened to after one another. Has the world got nothing better to do than this nonsense? How about a cure for cancert or tooth decay, guys? - The Funkapuss
Josh: I can't speak for the world, but I know that I certainly have nothing better to do than this nonsense. Stay tuned for our upcoming investigation into whether or not Led Zeppelin and Grand Funk Railroad are the same band!
The Perils Of Spelling.
the air france crash 'atire' is beyond the pale; its sociopathic - Mike
Josh: If I ever saw an atire in real life, I would kick its ass.
Lester Fats From Lardstown: A Real Guy.
WTF is this crap? Saying the the French crashed this plane on purpose??? Oh just read the "About Us" page... THANK GOD I WAS REALLY TRYING HARD NOT TO BELIEVE THIS BUT WHO KNOWS SOME PEOPLE ARE THAT STUPID... I think Lester 'Fat' of 'LArdstown' gives it away XD - WhatTheFuck
Josh: Actually, our About Us page is the only satirical thing on our site. It's a satire of a satirical About Us page, which means that everything else here is true.
We're Actually Surprised It Took This Long.
u guyz r fags this aint true - 1337
Josh: Okay, we had that coming.
A Chance To Become An Internet Celebrity? No, Not Really.
I was wondering if you guys were looking for contributors or accepted unsolicited... wait for it... contributions. Yeah, that was cheesy but I just had some Gouda and *insert more cheese here* - Alex Aguirre
Josh: We answered Alex's question personally, because we strive to deliver personal service, but since this isn't the first time this has come up, let us publicly say that yes, we do accept contributions. (We don't like to advertise it; there are lots of crazies out there.) If you're reading this and have a healthy appreciation for the site -- and for not getting paid under any circumstances -- have a go at it.